On Finding Your Originality

There are a few beliefs that I hold deeply as a teacher, but I think this is the most important: Every student’s one-of-a-kind, singularly special and absolutely unique talent or area of expertise is there.

Sometimes this “it factor” just needs someone’s reassurance or affirmation to really come out. I think a lot of people have a sense for what their original contributions to the world can be, but they may be missing the nudge that will help them take off. Or they may need a little help to find the first domino from where everything else will fall into place. That “nudge” may be be a coach or partner who reminds us to look past this or that setback and forge forward. But it’s really important that we don’t depend fully on someone else’s perception of our talents and experiences. No one can understand you better than you. Have you ever pursued a promotion or a career change because someone else told you you’d be good at it? Only to discover quickly you were out of your element.

Sometimes finding your it factor will be a full process of discovery. In that case, it’s a gift just waiting for us. - It’s waiting for us to ask ourselves the right questions. When we answer them truthfully, we’ll locate the intersection of our innate talents and our learned experiences. That’s where the magic is. That’s where our unique individuality lies- it’s something that only YOU can give back to the world.

Your voice can change over time, because your bank of experiences grows with you. The experiences change what you’re able to do with your innate talents. No one should ever feel like the process of finding their voice is leading them to something they must commit to forever. We’re just moving to a point of opportunity where we’ll unite our innate talents with our personal experiences and see what happens. It isn’t scary, its empowering and beautiful. What do you think? Have you found your intersection or are you still making your way there?

If you’re interested in a sounding board and a nice nudge or some help to identify your innate talents and how your personal experiences combine with them to make something that is uniquely yours, let’s chat. Have a look at my 1:1 consultation or farm visit opportunities. I’d love to connect and learn more about you.


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